Wednesday 10 July 2024

966 Voltage Source

The Behringer CP35 module is hungry for rack space (21HP !) and a lot of people only want it for the 6V voltage references.

So, from an idea by LEK Productions, here is a compact (4HP) module containing just +6V and -6V voltage references.

Three different build options are available depending on how accurate you want the reference voltages to be.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Old Mahogany..

The cabinets for my eurorack "moog modular" are made of antique mahogany salvaged from old furniture.


My latest cabinet was made from a victorian dressing table, however this was itself a conversion  from something earlier. Here's the top of the cabinet above:

 The inscription reads:
                                       John Broadwood and Sons
                         Maufacturers to his Majesty and the Princesses
                        Great Pulteney Street   London   Golden Square 
Google "John Broadwood and Sons" to identify the original object !

I would date it as after 1808, as before 1808 it was "John Broadwood and Son" (singular), This probably makes "his majesty" either George III, George IV, or  William IV.

Thursday 9 May 2024

Product Update - 904C Filter Coupler

While assisting a customer in debugging his 904C build, I have discovered that the connections to the left "Frequency CV" socket and the "Bandwidth CV" socket are reversed on the PCB.

The latest version of the build document (V1-2) includes instructions for correcting this on already built modules.

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Grey Panels

After some experimentation by my very helpful panel supplier, I can now offer any of my panels in GREY for a close match to Behringer System 100. They are not a perfect match as the Behringer panels are powder coated, but mine are anodised.

Grey panels are manufactured to order, I do not intend to keep these in stock.

Selelection of grey panels

The panel second from the right is the best match in studio lighting conditions.

Monday 4 March 2024

Software moving to Github

I'm moving software downloads from dropbox (linked from this site) to Github.
I've started with the Ardiuno sketch for the 1630d frequency shifter.
Other software on this site will follow gradually, and any new software will be available via  Github only.